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Classified Waste
a novel by Alexander M. Grace

ISBN 978-0-918339-63-8  | Hardcover | 256 pages, 6x9 | January 2006 | Acid Free paper | $24.95

Highly-popular, adventure novelist, Alexander M. Grace broadens the genre in his newest novel, Classified Waste, where espionage and adventure are  mixed with fantasy, whimsy, and the  occult. The action begins at CIA headquarters in  the Special Activities Division, Office of Occult Operations, North (SAD/OOO/N), where mid-level CIA operations officer Dale Feeney has been parked in the hopes he can get his life back together. Recent events, while stationed in Santa Domingo -- his young daughter died and his wife left him --   have caused  his superiors at headquarters find him  a new job, one where he would be out of the way and could soon be forgotten.

His  new position as Chief of SAD/OOO/N seems to be the perfect place for  him. But, In the best tradition of adventure fiction, this obscure office almost immediately finds itself in the middle of a major Middle Eastern terrorist operation. And, in the best tradition of fantasy, the SAD/OOO/N staff witches -- Did they say "Staff witches?" -- rise to the occasion, dragging Dale along with them. From the unfolding story of a seriously compromised terrorist informer network detailed at a meeting inside the claustrophobic and highly  bureaucratic  walls of CIA headquarters, to initial interrogations at "the farm" outside Williamsburg, to the assassination of a high-level terrorist defector in Mexico City, the action never slows, while  Dale is led from place to place and back again  by his ever-supportive staff  as he rebuilds his life and his career.

Terrorists, traitors, toil and trouble…all come together in this fast-paced, entertaining look at CIA operations in the post-cold war era. Sure to be a hit with Grace fans as well as add a whole new following, Classified Waste is a winner -- and SAD/OOO/N may well be an idea whose time has come.

About the author…

Alexander M. Grace,  has been published extensively, his novels  include: Holy War (Vandamere Press 1998), "…timely and scary…the conclusion will leave the reader breathless,"  Publishers WeeklyHegemon (Vandamere Press 1996), "…a sophisticated thriller…" Publishers Weekly;  Sky Blue (Brassey's 1995), "…a convincing study of professional soldiers chafing under political constraints…a scenario that is both timely and frighteningly plausible." Publishers Weekly; Crises (Presidio, 1992), "…credibly yet artful…" Library Journal;  and Coup! (Presidio, 1991),  "…an expertly written book,"  the New York Times. Alexander M. Grace is a pseudonym used by a recently retired foreign service officer whose non-fiction work in history and political science have also been published extensively. He currently lives and teaches in the Orlando area.


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